Moth Gardens
Moth Garden Surveys and Dinner Events get communities excited about backyard naturalism and pollinators. The decline of both has an immediate impact on the quality of our food. It is not a coincidence that our interest in our backyards coincides with declining insect populations since the early 1900's. Bee populations alone are down 60% since 1950 and other insect numbers have also declined steadily. Our private Backyard Dinner Parties and Public Moth Interventions/Gardens promote a renewed interest in our insects and are an opportunity to share your garden, break bread with friends and family, and learn the importance of pollinators in a casual and fun event for everyone.
Portable power stations allow the project to move anywhere. Solar modules power the lights and projections that attract moths and people. This project is further developed to include an off-grid 18' mobile artspace that brings hands-on awareness to the decline of pollinator populations worldwide and what we can do to help.
"Black lights" attract the moths and video projections draw humans! Moths are not attracted to all light frequencies so we provide the kind of light that lure them to us. Moths and other pollinating insects such as bees are particularly attracted to white, blue and purple flowers as well! Who knew they were so discriminating! During this citizen science events, moths and other insects surveyed and identified and uploaded to an online databases. The red tubes you can see in the photos are portable gardens that are planted with pollinator-friendly flowers. We can move their favorite flowers around, as we need them and of course all the power used is solar generated so we show how easy it is to go solar!
"Mothing Dinner Parties" occur when community members invite us into their backyard gardens to install mothing tents before dinner. Often the invitation is extended by the host to members of the immediate community, like neighbors, family, and close friends. After a wonderful dinner supplied by the host and great conversation, we spend time identifying and sharing the insects that have come to the tents. Participants learn about their local nighttime pollinators and other information important to our food and environment while sharing a pleasant experience with friendly people and great food.