PlantBot Genetics International
The environment belongs to all of us. Agricultural policies that one country adopts will eventually effect everyone. Mother Nature does not recognize International and political boundaries as well as the distances between field crops. Knowing the source of our food is a concern for the entire human race, for our children, and all future generations. At the invitation of several international art centers, residency programs, and exhibitions, PlantBot Genetics has engaged the public.
The open markets in Rome are some of the oldest running markets in the world. The tradition of the Roman public market goes back to at least the Third Century B.C., when the Marcellum market was located at the north end of the Fori Romani.
These open food markets are still the method many citizens of Rome buy their food every day. This eloquent system of distribution is simple and timeless. The food is grown just outside the city gates, and the high-quality seasonal produce is trucked into the open markets every morning. Even the city itself has was designed around this simple system. The apartments and houses of the city radiate from these markets ensuring that every citizen has access to fresh local produce. ​
France maintains a ban on GMO crops in its country. When French Farmers discovered that GM Crops was secretly planted in their country, they banned together to burn the suspected field and those immediately surrounding it. Recently, in the Bordeaux region, the French people also destroyed an illegal field planted with experimental GM plants to protect their wine heritage.

We brought Monsantra to streets of Paris France, both to celebrate the French farmers and to demonstrate just how easy it is to for an invasive species to gain a foothold.
South Korea
In 2001, South Korea mandated labeling of foods containing genetically modified (GM) ingredients. The discovery of genetically modified soybeans in tofu in 1999 (Yoo, 1999; Yun, 1999), resulted in the Korea Consumer Protection requiring the labeling of foods containing genetically modified soybeans and corn. Korean tofu is differentiated between domestic and internationally grown GM soybeans
Recently, Monsantra visited Korea in a show of support for that nation’s 0% GM acceptance on organic foods that are grown domestic or imported into Korea. We at PlantBot Genetics are surprised that any organically farmed US products pass the 0 tolerance rule due to the realities of farming practices, pollen drift, and cross-pollination already occurring.
The United States Trade Representative (USTR) backed by the Organic Trade Association (OTA) is trying to persuade South Korea to loosen its zero tolerance policy of genetically modified material in organic food products. OTA says the policy is hurting exports of US organic soybeans and related products to that country
Iceland is the only carbon neutral country in the world. It uses the geothermal gasses beneath it to produce enough electricity for the entire country and even sells its excess energy to Great Britain. Finland harnesses the heat and steam from the volcanic activity it sits on to keep greenhouses warm all winter, allowing them to grow local food all year long.
Genetically modified crops are now just becoming a topic in Finland due to a lack of regulation and reporting. GM field trials underway in Finland include: oil rapeseed, potatoes, and beets as well as in the forestry sector. PlantBot Genetics was thrilled to explore this rugged country looking for Monsantras, and learning about its sustainable developments and the emerging biotech industry.
PlantBot Genetics traveled to Newfoundland Canada with Monsantra to create a video with the local fishing families. For generations, these families had made a living off the fertile waters of the Grand Banks which are now overfished and act as an environmental cautionary tale. The boats in this video are all boats that regularly travel to the Grand Banks to fish. The economy and lifestyle of the Newfoundland people have been significantly affected by the dying fishing industry.